: Semaine
Affichage planning
Lu 2 Déc 9h-11h UE2 - Mobile development, CM (INFO C211 (ex MM 3D))
Lu 2 Déc 11h-12h UE2 - Mobile development, TD (INFO C211 (ex MM 3D))
Lu 2 Déc 13h30-14h30 UE2 - Mobile development, TD (INFO C211 (ex MM 3D))
Lu 2 Déc 14h30-16h30 UE2 - Mobile development, TP (INFO C211 (ex MM 3D))
Lu 2 Déc 18h-19h30 Enseignements FLE ()
Ma 3 Déc 9h-11h UE2 - Mobile development, CM (INFO C211 (ex MM 3D))
Ma 3 Déc 11h-12h UE2 - Mobile development, TD (INFO C211 (ex MM 3D))
Ma 3 Déc 13h30-14h30 UE2 - Mobile development, TD (INFO C211 (ex MM 3D))
Ma 3 Déc 14h30-16h30 UE2 - Mobile development, TP (INFO C211 (ex MM 3D))
Me 4 Déc 8h30-11h30 ELC2 - LAS Realisation and development of IOT applications, TD (INFO C211 (ex MM 3D))
Me 4 Déc 13h30-15h30 ELC2 - LAS Realisation and development of IOT applications, TD (INFO C211 (ex MM 3D))
Me 4 Déc 18h30-20h Enseignements FLE ()
Je 5 Déc 9h-10h UE2 - Mobile development, TD (INFO C211 (ex MM 3D))
Je 5 Déc 10h-12h UE2 - Mobile development, TP (INFO C211 (ex MM 3D))
Ve 6 Déc 8h-9h UE5 - Embedded Systems, CM (INFO C211 (ex MM 3D))
Ve 6 Déc 9h-10h UE5 - Embedded Systems, CM (INFO C211 (ex MM 3D))
Ve 6 Déc 10h-12h UE5 - Embedded Systems, TP (INFO C211 (ex MM 3D))
Ve 6 Déc 13h-15h ELC1 - Team management and communication, TD (INFO C211 (ex MM 3D))
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