Auj Demain Sem Sem+1 Sem+2 Sem+3 : Semaine
Affichage planning

Lu 17 Fév 8h15-12h15 UE5-Radioprotection (Rajaa SEBIHI), CM (Salle 117)

Lu 17 Fév 13h30-17h30 UE6-Applied physics (Mohamed BAKACHE), CM (Salle 115)

Ma 18 Fév 8h15-12h15 UE5-Radioprotection (Rajaa SEBIHI), CM (Salle 117)

Ma 18 Fév 13h30-17h30 UE6-Applied physics (Mohamed BAKACHE), CM (Salle 116)

Me 19 Fév 10h15-12h15 UE4-Management and International Marketing (Patrice PICCARDI), CM (Salle 117)

Me 19 Fév 13h30-15h30 UE4-Management and International Marketing (Patrice PICCARDI), CM (Salle 117)

Me 19 Fév 15h30-17h30 UE4-Management and International Marketing (Patrice PICCARDI), CM (Salle 117)

Je 20 Fév 10h15-12h15 UE2- Quality and regulatory affairs (Aurore BALMET), CM (Salle 117)

Ve 21 Fév 8h15-12h15 UE2- Quality and regulatory affairs (Aurore BALMET), CM (Salle 117)

Ve 21 Fév 13h30-17h30 UE2- Quality and regulatory affairs (Aurore BALMET), CM (Cours à distance)


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